Past Events

This page lists a variety of different events Insider Art have been involved with.

26th May 2012. Belfast. BAAT reg group

Workshop:Art as a means of psychological education.

15th May 2012. Sheffield

Northern Programme for Art Psychotherapy

Workshop:Art as a means of psychological education.

19th & 20th April 2012. Northampton

Colour My Wellbeing Conference: The Arts and Health Conference University of Northampton UK: An international conference hosted in collaboration with the Schools of The Arts and Health in September focused on the interactive relationships of The Arts, Health and Sciences.

Paper: The Silent Rage of Strawberries – Malcolm Learmonth

Paper: Colour Mixing and Ambivalence – Karen Huckvale

Workshop: Weaving and Unweaving the Rainbow – Learmonth & Huckvale

8th March 2012 Exeter

Workshop evening for CRUSE Counsellors.

27th & 28th January and 24th & 25th February 2012. Exeter

Sandtray Therapy and Practical Applications. Lynn McClelland, Julie Thompson, Malcolm Learmonth & Karen Huckvale

3rd December 2011. Exeter

Art & Anger Management: Marian Liebmann:

This course takes participants through some of the art therapy processes that can help with work on anger and anger management. It is modelled on the courses developed by the facilitator in her work at the Inner City Mental Health Service, Bristol, but has application to anyone wanting to look at their own anger.

23rd November 2011. Exeter

Effective Outcomes for hard to reach Young People. Tiverton.

5th November 2011. Exeter

Art and Conflict: Marian Liebmann:

Conflict is an emotive subject. This day course is about finding new ways to look at it. There will be a variety of practical art exercises to gain insights into different aspects of conflict, conflict resolution and mediation.

6th October 2011. Barnstaple.

Day workshop for Young Devon workers.

1st October 2011 London BAAT

Alternative Approaches to engagement and ways to engage 'difficult' people

Art psychotherapists are frequently asked to work with the ‘hard to engage’. Doing this often means alternative approaches. This course addresses questions like: What are we actually trying to achieve? Why are we trying to engage this particular person? Why are they hard to engage/ difficult? What is the message in not engaging? What does it do to us if we struggle to engage someone? Through a mixture of practical and creative exercises, discussion and presentation this course will explore a variety of approaches which help.

September 2nd – 24th 2011. Devon

Heathercombe Sculpture Trail: The Bird Table by Insider Art and various contributors on Dartmoor.

2nd July 2011. A Devon beach

Beach Picnic

Insider Art's annual beach workshop and picnic. This free event is for former students of their two longer part-time courses: Art in Mental Health - A Foundation Course in Art Therapy and Arts & Health for Participatory Visual Art course.

15th April 2011, University of Exeter

Exhibition on the relationship between 'Arts, Health and Wellbeing in Devon' held at Thornlea, New North Road, Exeter.

14th April 2011, University of Exeter

Conference: Cradle to the Grave: Reciprocity and Exchange in the Making of Medicine and the Modern Arts.

Paper by Karen Huckvale: The Art of Violence: Unmaking as a Creative Process.

Paper by Malcolm Learmonth: The Arts, Health and Suffering.

29th March & 9th April 2011, Exeter

Supervision training for Art Therapists. Two day training course run by Karen Huckvale and Malcolm Learmonth for BAAT for registered Art Therapists.

4th December 2010, Manchester

Alternative Approaches to engagement and ways to engage 'difficult' people

30th October, 13th & 27th November 2010, Exeter

Sandtray Therapy - Brenda Rawlinson & Lynn McClelland

Sand Tray Therapy encourages the non-verbal expression and construction of images which have both special personal and collective or cultural meanings. This introductory course will look at the following important themes: history and development of sand play therapy; creative expression; imaginative and symbolic thinking; dramatic structure; play and story-making; recent developments.

1st October 2010, Leeds

Alternative Approaches to engagement and ways to engage 'difficult' people

17th September 2010, The Guildhall, Exeter

Doom & Bloom: Ninth Exeter Arts & Therapies Conference

See Exeter Conference page for more details.

4th - 26th September 2010, Heathercombe, Devon

The Edge: Heathercombe Sculpture Trail: Nest of Lost Hopes by Insider Art and various contributors on Dartmoor.

26th - 30th July 2010, Belfast

Northern Ireland Group for Art as Therapy (NIGAT)

Keynote Malcolm Learmonth: Windows and Doors: the arts as ways through, round and beyond mental health services.

Paper Karen Huckvale: Sifting sands: An art therapist in the sand pit.

Karen Huckvale Photographer in Residence at The Cedars, Wonford House, Devon Partnership Trust with Magic Carpet.

15th May 2010, a Devon beach

Beach Bestiary

Insider Art's annual beach workshop and picnic. This free event is for former students of their two longer part-time courses: Art in Mental Health - A Foundation Course in Art Therapy and Arts & Health for Participatory Visual Art course.

27th March 2010, London

Alternative Approaches to engagement and ways to engage 'difficult' people, BAAT

13th November 2009, Exeter

Arts Environments and Mental Health conference

Paper by Malcolm Learmonth: Why the arts matter to mental health.

Paper by Karen Huckvale: Participation and Quality: arts projects changing healthcare environments.

16th October 2009, Exeter

Articulating Therapy workshop

9th October 2009

Presentation on Arts & Health South West to BAAT Region 1

7th September 2009, Northampton University

Inspiring Transformations: The Arts and Health Conference

Paper by Malcolm Learmonth: Developing a training model for artists in health.

May 2009, PHEW Centre, Exeter

The Healing Mind. This exhibition was initially assembled by BAAT to coincide with the conference 'Art and Wellbeing: Art Therapy and Physical Conditions' held in London in February 2009.

5th February 2009

Art and Wellbeing: Art Therapy and Physical Conditions: BAAT

Paper M Learmonth: Psyche and Soma - Integrating Art Psychotherapy into Primary Care

29th May 2009, The Exeter Guildhall

Histories: Eighth Exeter Arts & Therapies conference.

See Exeter Conference page for more details.

9th May 2009. A Devon beach

Mythic Creatures

Insider Art's annual beach workshop and picnic . This free event is for former students of their two longer part time courses: Art in Mental Health - A Foundation Course in Art Therapy and Arts & Health for Participatory Visual Art course.

25th April 2009 London BAAT

Alternative approaches to engagement and ways to engage 'difficult' people

Convenor: Karen Huckvale

Spring 2009 Exeter 3 days

Sand Tray Therapy: Brenda Rawlinson & Lynn McClelland.

Sand Tray Therapy encourages the non-verbal expression and construction of images which have both special personal and collective or cultural meanings. This introductory course will look at the following important themes: history and development of sand play therapy; creative expression; imaginative and symbolic thinking; dramatic structure; play and story-making; recent developments.

5th February 2009 London,

Art and Wellbeing: Conference and Art Exhibition: Art Therapy and Physical Conditions

26th November 2008. Bath

NESA Creative Change: Artspeak. Day conference on Arts and Health

Speaker Malcolm Learmonth.

25th September 2008. Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy, Dorset,

For Arts & Health South West: Arts and Health & Physical Activity: A day exploring the connections between Creativity and Physical Activity.

Karen Huckvale, Art Psychotherapist with Devon Primary Care Trust's Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services will look at Visual Art and the Body, examining ways in which art making may be used in Art Psychotherapy to extend physical activity.

Malcolm Learmonth, Lead Art Psychotherapist & Arts and Environments Development lead for Devon Partnership Trust, Arts & Health Lead British Association of Art Therapists will present 'Waiting Room Walks' a digital arts intervention to encourage walking.

Karen Huckvale: Circuit Training and Art Making! Most people make visual art by using one hand, with some wrist and elbow movement. This practical workshop uses a series of more physically active visual arts exercises to explore stretching, core stability/balance and proprioception.

26th July 2008. London

Articulating Art Psychotherapy workshop for Art Psychotherapists.

21st June 2008. London

Art Therapists in Education group

Articulating Art Psychotherapy workshop

19th July 2008. Devon

The Imaginary Menagerie

Insider Art invited all former participants from both of our longer part time courses (Art in Mental Health: a Foundation Course in Art Therapy, and Arts & Health for Participatory Visual Arts) to a sand sculpture, generally creative and sociable beach workshop and picnic.

For Pictures see Archive: Gallery.

7th June 2008. Exeter.

Art & Anger Management: Marian Liebmann:

This course takes participants through some of the art therapy processes that can help with work on anger and anger management. It is modelled on the courses developed by the facilitator in her work at the Inner City Mental Health Service, Bristol, but has application to anyone wanting to look at their own anger.

6th June 2008 . Exeter.

Art and Conflict: Marian Liebmann:

Conflict is an emotive subject. This day course is about finding new ways to look at it. There will be a variety of practical art exercises to gain insights into different aspects of conflict, conflict resolution and mediation.

20th May 2008. Sheffield

Northern Programme for Art Psychotherapy

Articulating Art Psychotherapy Workshop.

Friday 16th May 2008. Stoodleigh Court, Tiverton.

The Seventh Exeter Arts & Therapies Conference,

Nature & Nurture: the image, the word, and the world.

Speakers: Internationally renowned artist Peter Randall-Page. Maggie Crosby, co-ordinator of Subtext: an East London literature project. John Wright, clinical psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist Martin, the 'Dartmoor Hawker', a falconer. Carol Harvey, artist photographer

The day was Chaired by Malcolm Learmonth, Arts & Health Lead for the British Association of Art Therapists.

Three days: 26th April, 17th May, 7th June

Introduction to Sand Tray Therapy: Brenda Rawlinson & Lynn McClelland . Exeter.

Sand Tray Therapy encourages the non-verbal expression and construction of images which have both special personal and collective or cultural meanings. This introductory course looks at the following important themes: History and development of sand play therapy; creative expression; imaginative and symbolic thinking; dramatic structure; play and story-making; recent developments.

7th March '08

Introduction to Art Therapy and Participatory Visual Arts

Malcolm Learmonth & Karen Huckvale. Exeter.

1st & 15th February 2008: A two day course

Learning Emotional Logic: working with loss

Tutor: Trisha Horgan. . Exeter.

Windmill House Arts project

Woodspring Community Mental Health Team relocated in January 2007 to newly built premises at Kenn Road, Clevedon, North Somerset. The Windmill House Arts project was designed to enable service users and staff to create artwork which would make the waiting areas and corridors more welcoming, comfortable and interesting for all who visit and work there.

See Healing Environments page for details.

Saturday 22 - Thursday 27 September 2007.

Possible Forests Exhibition: Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World, Haldon Forest Exeter. Haldon Forest Park is an evolving landscape. What plans would you make for its future? Throughout the summer of 2007, Wrights & Sites embarked on a series of reconnaissance drifts through the forest with specialists in diverse fields (geography, architecture and planning, psychology, choreography), discussing ways of experiencing, re-imagining and planning the forest landscape. This exhibition documented these dialogues through maps, texts and video, and gave the opportunity to contribute your own 'possible forest' to the collection.

Konvergenzen,Divergenzen,Transformation: Berlin Art Therapy Conference at Katholischen Akademie in Berlin .

The first day of this 3 day conference is held in English.

Malcolm Learmonth: In the Begininning was the Image: finding a Rationale for Art Psychotherapy in Human Evolution.

September 3-6, 2007

Inspiring Transformations: The Arts and Health Conference University of Northampton UK:

An international conference hosted in collaboration with the Schools of The Arts and Health in September focused on the interactive relationships of The Arts, Health and Sciences.

Learning by Doing: Developing and working with Arts and Health South West

Paper to be given by: K Huckvale: Insider Art, Arts and Health South West,

Emotional Intelligence: A unified field theory for arts and health

Paper to be given by: M Learmonth: British Association of Art Therapists, NHS, Exeter.

Workshop: Why Art Therapy Approaches Make Sense: given by Co-Directors of 'Insider Art' and Learmonth is NHS Lead Art Psychotherapist and Huckvale is NHS Art Psychotherapist, director and trustee of Arts and Health South West.

July 4th, 5th & 18th 2007

YZUP Cornwall: Staff development & training

June 23rd 2007 London

British Association of Art Therapists. AGM. Presentations:

Malcolm Learmonth: Inner and Outer Geographies.

Karen Huckvale: The Decisive Moment: Working with the Liminal.

June 8th 2007

Art & Conflict. Tutor Marian Liebmann:

May 18th 2007

What’s the Story?

The Sixth Exeter Arts and Therapies Conference, (EATc), Reed Hall, University of Exeter

See Exeter Conference page and Publications and Documents page for more info and for hand-outs from talks. The line-up: Michael Edwards, Mark Hayward, Pauline McGee, Susie Needham, Caspar Walsh.

27th April 2007. Exeter.

Introduction to Art Therapy and Participatory Visual Arts:

Art and Narrative:

6th March 2007: Sheffield

Articulating Art Psychotherapy

Malcolm Learmonth & Karen Huckvale Study Day for final year Art Psychotherapy trainees, Northern Programme for Art Psychotherapy, Leeds Metropolitan University.

3rd March 2007: Brighton

Understanding Attachment.

One day professional development workshop for Art Psychotherapists organised in conjunction with British Association for Art Therapists

29th January 2007: Bristol

Arts & Health training for Artists.

Creative Partnerships study day on understanding Duty of Care issues for artists working with young people.

2nd December 2006: London

Arts & Health: Special Interest Group British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) launch of Arts & Health Special Interest Group (SIG) for Art Psychotherapists contact BAAT for details

1st December 2006: London.

Arts & Health Workshop

One day professional development workshop for Art Psychotherapists organised in conjunction with British Association for Art Therapists

13th October 2006: Plymouth

Presentation: Art & Eating Disorders Staff Training for professionals working with eating disorders.

September 27th. 2006: Exeter

Study Day for Bereavement Counsellors Karen Huckvale. Experiential day workshop and case presentation.

September 9th 2006: Hastings

Articulating Art Psychotherapy British Association of Art Therapists Study Day for Art Psychotherapists,

8th September 2006: London

Arts and Health Day British Association of Art Therapists Study Day for Art Psychotherapists

30th June 2006 : Glasgow

Arts and Health workshop. Malcolm Learmonth, Karen Huckvale & Cathy Wilson. British Association of Art Therapists Study Day for Art Psychotherapists

29th June 2006: Glasgow

Articulating Art Psychotherapy. Malcolm Learmonth & Karen Huckvale

British Association of Art Therapists Study Day for Art Psychotherapists

24th June 2006: Sheffield

Presentations British Association of Art Therapists AGM Malcolm Learmonth: Art & Art Therapist identity. Karen Huckvale: Amphibiousness, A Reconnaissance of the Arts and Health

20th June 2006:- Lyngford House Taunton

Arts & Health South West launch event Malcolm Learmonth: Presentation of ‘The Wood and The Trees’ Insider Art animation.

1st October- 19th November 2005 Royal Albert Memorial Museum. Exeter

For Some Good Measure.

Exhibition: Using the constraints set within a 12inch square frame; clients of Upstream, Exeter Health Care Arts, Magic Carpet, Insider Art, Exeter’s HM Prison, Double Elephant Print Workshop and Creative Therapies Service have produced their own diverse responses to working in this small format.

13th October 2005 Exeter

Arts In Health Education Day - Exeter Health Care Arts, Insider Art & Rosetta Life. Peninsula Medical School. Exeter

A free event open to artists, carers and clinicians highlights the work offered in palliative care and other patient centred arts practice.

1st October 2005: Exeter.

I See It My Way - Royal Albert Memorial Museum Royal Albert Memorial Museum. Insider Art are hosting a family drop in workshop as part of the

For Some Good Measure or More... Exhibition. In conjunction with:

The Big Draw The British Association of Art Therapists. & Insider Art

September 2005: Crete.

Eighth European Arts Therapies Conference. ECArTE The European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education. Presentations:

Malcolm Learmonth: Art & Human Evolution: New Theory for Art Psychotherapy.

Malcolm Learmonth & Jeannette MacDonald: Imagined Body - Body Image: The Story of Two Journeys in DMT and Art Psychotherapy.

Karen Huckvale: Homework Works: Art Psychotherapy and extreme self-harm, a paradoxical approach.